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The XX

Okay, hello everybody
How is your life? is that cool or amazing?
Now I'm gonna share something with you all guys...
It's about my life :D
ehmmm, yeah as you all know, we can love anyone or like anyone, right?
that's a natural feeling
and, that's happens to me
but I feel like why should I had this feeling?
I don't know why? but just hurt me inside...
I feel like I shouldn't like or love that someone
I never thought before that I'm gonna like that one (it can be her or him)
Because the first time I met that one (let say XX), it just feel like yeah xx is my new friend and I didn't feel anything...
But, the day I know something about xx, and I'm begin to be so curious, and I'm start to stalk xx..
And, I don't how to say it but I collected some data and it makes me crazy you know!
I try to collect much more data and information, and just surprised!! But it still can't answer the BIGGEST question in my mind
One day, I start to chat xx and I said hello, what's up?
And, the chat began to be boring... then, it's stop anyway
after that moment, I just can believed why xx blocked my Instagram Account?? I don't know
And Everyday getting so weird, it's like I've been doing a big mistake to xx
On Friday 11th December I try to send a messages again, and I told xx about who Am I
But, xx don't even read my messages till I make this article
And i'm still waiting, I know xx see my chat and maybe xx just need a moment to read it
if xx can see this article, and realize that I make this for xx, I wanna tell xx that I really need xx to read my messages
it's important for me to know your reaction
I'm ready if you gonna hate me or blame me or kick me or anything, I know the risk
But, i just need you to understand that it was really hard to collect my braveness to send that messages
And onething, you (xx) don't need to be worry or afraid of me
cause i'm just a normal person
I'm just like you, a human being
I just have a little different
and i hope you'll be understand
and I really hope that I can share my stories with you
and how happy I am if can be your friend

*It just a short stories of my weird life, and I never expect too much that someone will understand me. I'm just happy to write this thing and I'll be happy if I can make you who read this at least smile. #Don't Fogert To Be Happy#*


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Sorry to post this

Rasanya sudah cukup di tahun ini, menjatuhkan hati dengan sengaja dan belajar mencintai seseorang. Tapi aku merasa belum cukup dalam belajar melepaskan orang yang aku cintai, entah mengapa aku masih begitu peduli. Seakan-akan aku masih mencintai dia, tapi aku juga tidak tahu apakah aku benar-benar masih mencintai dia apa hanya suatu ilusi belaka.